Thé Millennium
A modern Earl Grey that harmonises brisk flavours of high-grown Ceylon tea with inviting citrus notes of laksa leaf. This...
Thé Ritual
A signature tea served exclusively at The Clan Hotel located at Far East Square. Thé Ritual celebrates the island's early migrants...
Tie Guan Yin (Food Service)
The elaborate production of Imperial Tie Guan Yin requires long delicate processing by the most experienced artisans to obtain deeply...
Tung Ting Oolong
This delicately roasted Tung Ting Oolong tea helms from lush gardens of Nantou, Taiwan revealing plush fruity undertones of rock...
Vanda Miss Joaquim
At the heart of Singapore’s botanical reputation lies the beauty of her national flower, the Vanda Miss Joaquim. With sprinkles...
锡(xi): Fragrance of Thousand Miles (千里香乌龙)
Harvested around late April in Wuyi Huiyuan, this rock tea bush is cultivated on porous rocks to inherit rich flavours...
锡(xi): Huang Shan Yun Wu Mao Feng (黄山云雾毛峰)
Cushioned within pillows of clouds over 200 days in a year, Mao Feng is also coined as Cloud Teas (黄山云雾毛峰)....
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